Sunday, 7 September 2014

Executive pulls back from October strike

On Friday the NUT Executive met for the first time since the beginning of the new term. Ordinarily this meeting is specifically to discuss the upcoming TUC conference and the Executives recommendations on the various motions. This was discussed but the main debate was on the on-going Stand Up For Education Campaign and weather the NUT should join Unison, GMB, Unite and others taking strike action on the 14th October.

October 14th Public Sector Strike
The Executive voted 26 – 12 not to join this strike. I was one of the 12 that voted for action.
I believe this was the correct way to vote as we would be striking alongside support staff in schools, (this time including academies) council workers and very possibly NHS staff and the Civil Service. This would be a very large coalition and one that would be strengthened by the inclusion of teachers. Perhaps even more importantly I believe our own campaign is weakened by not taking this action. We will be going into talks with Nicky Morgan having pulled back from joint action and this will weaken the union’s hand in negotiations.

Arguments against taking action centred on the need to suspend strikes while our consultation with members is underway (this is due to take place over the next months), that members resolve is weakening and that the other unions could not be relied upon to actually strike on the 14th. While it is vital to get a good result for continuing the campaign in the consultation, even more so after this vote, I do not believe that takes precedence over exerting maximum pressure on the government to get significant concessions. I also believe the risk of other unions pulling out of the 14th is slight and should this happen the Executive could have met at short notice to reassess. Having been at the Brighton rally during the July strike I am confident we could deliver an effective day in October. I am aware not all areas had the same support from members but October is a better time for teachers to take strike action than July and we would have had even more allies in the public sector to lift morale.

The Campaign will continue
The NUT will now be consulting members on taking two more days of strike action before the general election in May. I feel a stronger calendar than this is needed if we are to force the government back before the election. However it remains vital we work to get the best response possible in favour of continuing the campaign. The union has also produced 1.6million copies of its education manifesto. This document outlines the policies the NUT believes should be implemented in education and will be an important campaigning tool. I previously raised a concern after seeing a draft that the manifesto needed to include a reference to our supply teachers campaign. I am pleased the say the final document has included the demand that the pension scheme is opened up to supply teachers.

1 comment:

  1. It is ABC for trade unionists to support the people who support us. LANAC will make the NUT leaders get off their asses and fight.
